Star power for Switzerland

Star power for Switzerland: Federer teams up with De Niro.

Star power for Switzerland: De Niro turns down Federer.

Switzerland Tourism’s new ambassador Roger Federer features in the organization’s latest film. He’s joined by legendary actor and Oscar winner Robert De Niro. In the short film, De Niro turns down an invitation by Roger Federer to be part of a movie about Switzerland. De Niro thinks, the destination is pure, impressive and utterly beautiful – but there is no drama in Switzerland, something De Niro focuses his acting upon. The film can be seen online worldwide.

Earlier this year Roger Federer has announced his new role as ambassador for Switzerland Tourism. “I was really excited to have a worldwide campaign where I can invite people to Switzerland to highlight its beauty because I am so very proud to be from such a beautiful country” describes Roger Federer his motivation. To do so, Federer reached out for support from Hollywood: A plan to showcase the beauty of the travel destination Switzerland in a movie featuring Roger Federer and Robert De Niro is the plot of Switzerland Tourism’s latest film.

Robert De Niro answered Roger Federer’s call

In the film, viewers can witness a conversation between the tennis player and the Oscar winning actor. Federer is trying hard to convince De Niro to be part of his project. But, spoiler alert, De Niro turns down Federer, at least for this fictional project of a Switzerland film. In reality though, De Niro was very willing to respond to Federer’s call for help. Roger Federer: “I’ve admired Robert De Niro’s work for quite some time now, but I wasn’t sure he’d agree to be part of our Swiss project. I’m very excited it worked out so well.” The film, shot last fall in Zermatt, Switzerland, and New York, USA, can be viewed online worldwide. “Adding this touch of Hollywood to our campaign will bring more attention to Switzerland and its dramatically beautiful nature” states Martin Nydegger, CEO of Switzerland Tourism.

Roger’s choice to convince De Niro

The cooperation with Roger Federer will see more common projects in the future. Already up and running is a new website featuring “Roger’s Choice” of things to discover and do in Switzerland. It can be found on The variety of experiences featured here is vast, going from relaxing and reenergizing up to very dramatic. Scrolling through them might even make Robert De.

You can see the video here

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