Categories: Market News

HONOR Unveils Industry’s First AI Defocus Eye Protection and AI Deepfake Detection

Global technology brand HONOR today revealed two industry-leading on-device AI innovations created to empower individuals and introduce a new level of user safety. During its keynote at MWC Shanghai 2024, titled “The Human-AI Synergy: Intelligent Devices Will Empower People Better,” HONOR showcased its latest advancements in human-centric AI, AI Defocus Eye Protection[1] and AI Deepfake Detection. During the keynote session, the brand also reiterated its focus on human-centric on-device AI and its belief in the potential for AI-enabled hardware to empower users by delivering tailored services while protecting user privacy.

“AI is revolutionizing our lives and driving the smartphone industry forward, but much of the industry has focused on cloud-based AI, which is just a part of the puzzle. On-device AI, which is run on smartphones that understand us better than any other devices, is uniquely positioned to deliver services that are tailored to us and our preferences,” said George Zhao, CEO of HONOR Device Co., Ltd. “At HONOR, we believe on-device AI has the potential to empower users and become more capable in everything they do. We invite all industry players to join us as we explore the untapped potential of on-device AI.”

Evolving Eye Protection Technology from Prevention to Relief

Introducing the latest advancements in eye-protection technology, HONOR launched AI Defocus Eye Protection at MWC Shanghai. Noting the global increase in cases of nearsightedness caused by long-term screen usage, this technology leverages AI to simulate defocus glasses on the smart device’s display.

Wearing defocus glasses is proven to be conducive to eye health as they intentionally induce controlled defocus in the user’s peripheral visual field to help maintain clear central vision. This effect creates an altered visual perception that slows down the eye elongation process, which leads to nearsightedness. Taking eye protection from prevention to creating technology that can lead to relief for consumers, HONOR’s AI Defocus Eye Protection has been shown to decrease users’ transient myopia by 13 degrees on average after reading for 25 minutes, with some users experiencing a maximum reduction of 75 degrees.[2]

Mitigating Fraud with AI Deepfake Detection

Circumventing the risks presented by cloud-based “deepfake” AI technology, HONOR has introduced AI Deepfake Detection. To help prevent fraud and detect digitally manipulated content, AI Deepfake Detection examines frame-by-frame information such as eye contact, lighting, image clarity, and video playback to identify flaws that are imperceptible to the human eyes.

Additionally, the AI Deepfake Detection has been trained through a large dataset of videos and images related to online scams, enabling the AI to perform identification, screening, and comparison within three seconds. If synthetic or altered content is detected by the feature, a risk warning is immediately issued to the user, deterring them from continued engagement with the potential scammers for their safety.

For more information, please visit HONOR online store at

[1] This feature is not for medical use and does not have therapeutic functions.

[2] Data from HONOR labs.

syyaha admin

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