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Apparel Group Supports the Society of Autism Families Association event in Riyadh, in line with the KSA 2030 vision

Apparel Group Brands Aeropostale, Ardene, Crocs, Havaianas, Athletes Co, Beverly Hills Polo Club, and Other Brands Made a Valuable Donation to the Association.

[Riyadh, June] – Apparel Group, a renowned retail conglomerate, in collaboration with the Society of Autism Families Association held a donation event hosted and sponsored by the Radisson Blu Hotel (Exhibition & convention centre) in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. This initiative was part of the group’s commitment to the KSA 2030 vision, focusing on social responsibility and community support.

The event witnessed the participation of His Highness Prince Saud Bin Abdelaziz Alfarhan Al-Saud, CEO of the Association of Autism Families, along with key figures from the Society of Autism Association and Apparel Group’s KSA management. The gathering created a vibrant atmosphere of community and support including 40 children with autism and their mothers.

Apparel Group made a significant contribution of 300,000 Saudi Riyals, along with 2,500 pieces of shoes, bags, and clothing items donated by its esteemed brands: Aeropostale, Ardene, Crocs, Havaianas, Athletes Co, and other brands. Fostering a warm environment of joy and inclusion, the guests engaged in entertainment for the children and their families and received giveaways from Beverly Hills Polo.

Apparel Group CEO, Mr. Neeraj Teckchandani expressed: “The essence of true leadership in business extends beyond financial success; it lies in our capacity to positively impact the communities where we operate. At Apparel Group, we are driven by a duty to contribute meaningfully to society, uplift those in challenging situations, and create opportunities that foster a brighter, inclusive future for all.”

This donation by Apparel Group and its brands underscores a steadfast dedication to supporting the Society of Autism Families Association in their commendable efforts to enhance the lives of individuals with autism and their families.

syyaha admin

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