Zamzam Pullman Makkah Hotel set to unveil a new look, full of luxury and spirituality.

Renovation works will take place in stages, with first stage beginning in 2023

Zamzam Pullman Makkah Hotel, owned by Munshaat Real Estate Projects Company, is pleased to announce the beginning of its renovation works, which will include upgrades to its 1,315 rooms, suites and overall facilities.

The works are part of a development plan aimed at developing and modernizing the hotel in accordance with its future aspirations and plans, alongside its history as the first hotel in Abraj AlBait project, which is also called “Tower Makkah Royal clock”, while preserving its distinctive identity marked out over the years. To undertake the project, Saudi Lana group has been appointed as a project contractor and international consulting firm JLL Jones Lang Lasal as project manager.

 Zamzam Pullman Makkah Hotel has a unique design that reflects the elegant classical
character that brings a spiritual vibe that fits in with its status and location, directly overlooking the Holy Mosque of Mecca and the Holy Kaaba. The renovation works will add more luxury and distinction to the new decorations, furniture, and beds in all of the hotel’s rooms and suites, as well as hotel lobbies, restaurants and café.

Samer Khair, Cluster General Manager of Zamzam Pullman Makkah and Madina said:” The guests of Allah are expected to enjoy the elegant classical character of the hotel by renovating its rooms, suites, and facilities. We will offer them an ideal residency experience amid an atmosphere of spirituality and originality.” 

Zamzam Pullman Makkah Hotel is considered one of the most important hotels in Saudi Arabia, especially in Mecca, and it is the first hotel in the Abraj AlBait project. “ He also added.

Samer Khair, told that the renovations will take place in several stages, alongside normal operations of the property.

“We are working to preserve the hotel’s position and its history within the religious tourism system, our goal is to provide hospitality services at the highest quality, to achieve an integrated religious tourism experience for visitors and pilgrims.” he said. 

syyaha admin

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