Jabal Omar Hyatt Regency Makkah – 2022 LUXE Global Official Winner

Jabal Omar Hyatt Regency Makkah celebrates its first win at LUXE Global Awards, taking home “Best Luxury 5-Star Hotel” in the Middle East, “Best Luxury City Hotel” in the Middle East and “Hotel Team of the Year” in the Middle East

LUXE Global was established in 2021 to empower and recognize the most luxurious hotels, spas and restaurants from around the globe. Through one platform, which has been dubbed the most exclusive award in the world, LUXE Global strives to showcase the finer details of the hospitality industry. Through a transparent and categorical voting system with stringent requirements, LUXE Global creates a fair venue for all to receive global recognition for stellar service and expert management

Jabal Omar Hyatt Regency Makkah is situated at the heart of the holy city of Makkah. Just a one-minute walk from Al-Masjid Al-Haram, the hotel offers visitors and pilgrims alike a unique hospitality experience, blending comfort and convenience in an elegant atmosphere

We are committed to caring for people so they can be their best. Receiving these awards demonstrates the hard work, commitment and diligence shown by the team to ensure a great experience for our guests

syyaha admin

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